Quick Tips on Virtual Learning

Posted by Brainspring on 25th Mar 2020

Amidst our current school closures, many educators are tapping into virtual learning not only for their students but also for their own professional development. Here at Brainspring, it is our mission to support the educational community. One way we’re continuing to support educators is with some quick tips to make virtual learning more user-friendly for teachers, students, and families.

Quick Tips on Virtual Learning

We’re lucky to live in an era with the technology available to continue learning together outside of the classroom. That said, the technology piece can be intimidating for some of us. Start by getting familiar with your virtual learning platform. For example, if you are using Zoom with students or teachers, make sure to take the time to explore all of Zoom’s features. Organize a test “class” with a friend or two to really test it out, and ensure your camera, microphone, sound, etc. are all set up correctly. A test class will not only help you become more comfortable with the software, but it will also be wonderful to see them!

If your district or school’s virtual learning platform is different than Zoom, try it out with other parents, teachers, or even students. If you are a parent or caregiver, allow your child/student to participate and get familiar with the whole thing. As you know, it is important for students to see the adults in their life learn something new.

Establish structure. What part of the day is a consistent and realistic time to dedicate to some virtual learning? Stick to that time.

Move around! Just because the classroom is virtual, doesn’t mean the lessons can’t be multisensory. Get up and dance, continue armtapping when you practice Red Words, use common household items to replicate tools you have in your usual classroom. If your virtual classroom doesn’t include streaming video, create a private Facebook group for your classroom parents (if your district’s rules allow it) where they can post photos and videos of their student to show off as they perform the activity.

Parents, Make sure your child’s materials are organized, nearby, and easy to grab before class. When materials are handy, there is less of a need to lolly gag around the house, hence, an opportune time to become distracted.

Set up your computer in a quiet space that is clutter-free. Again, less distraction results in better learning!

For teachers, now may be a good time to get some professional development out of the way. Many options are available virtually, right from the comfort of your home.


Written by Brainspring