10 Dyslexics Students Should Know

Posted by Brainspring on 28th May 2015

Hi everyone,

Did you enjoy the long weekend?  I always find Memorial Day falls at the perfect time, right when I really need the extra day off.  As much as I enjoy the long weekend, I make sure to set aside time to remember our fallen service people.  If anyone reading this serves in the armed forces or knows someone who does- Thank You.


Share Renowned Dyslexics to Inspire Students

If you have ever worked with a student with dyslexia, you know that it isn’t just their reading that is effected; their self-esteem can also suffer.  That’s why I like to share renowned dyslexics with my students.  People who have overcome their reading difficulties and accomplished great things in all different fields.  Most often I see lists of celebrities who have dyslexia, but I also like to showcase influential scientists, writers, business people, artists, leaders and other notable individuals students may not know about.  They inspire students to keep in mind that dyslexics have unlimited potential.  In fact, many  dyslexics consider dyslexia a gift that contributed to their success.

Here is a slide show of 10 dyslexics your students should know.  They are all doing great things in the present and will impact history.

Click the image to view.


RENOWNED Dyslexics


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