Structures® Level I - In-Person
Prerequisite: None
Appropriate Audience:
• 4th & 5th grade: General Education (Tier 1 Small-Group Intervention – Use phonics/syllabication components; Whole Class – Use morphology components)
• 6th through 12th grade*: Special Education, intervention, resource (Tiers 2 & 3: Small group or one-on-one instruction) *Appropriate for students with dyslexia and/or learning differences whose reading skills are at or above a Grade 1 level.
Instead of taking the Structures® course, which is a mirror of the Phonics First® course, with the addition of morphology, we strongly recommend taking the Level II course instead. Level II includes Structures® materials, details on teaching Structures®, morphology instruction, and much more. LEARN ABOUT the LEVEL II COURSE here.
This comprehensive and highly intensive course qualifies teachers to bring Orton-Gillingham multisensory instruction to their classrooms. Structures® transforms struggling, dyslexic, and learning-differenced readers into skilled learners through our effective, interactive, multisensory approach to reading and spelling.
NEW FEATURE: Course participants receive one-year, online access to the Structures® Course Review. This on-demand access allows teachers to review content, skills and strategies for all lesson components.
Participants learn to teach:
• Phonological awareness strategies
• Anglo-Saxon word study of basic to advanced phonetic concepts
• Morphological study of Greek and Latin roots and affixes
• Tactile/kinesthetic spelling techniques for phonetic and non-phonetic words
• Syllabication for multisyllabic words (8 Syllable Types/3 Syllable Patterns)
• Higher-level spelling skills
• Vocabulary development
• Fluency-building strategies
Additional benefits:
• Guidance with lesson planning and classroom implementation
• Opportunities for hands-on lesson practice with other participants
• Emphasis on teaching reading to struggling readers, and students with dyslexia and learning differences using Orton-Gillingham methodology
• Complimentary Brainspring Members Area Access: reproducible lesson resources and activities
Upon completion, participants will:
• Receive a document of completion
• Be prepared to teach Structures® phonics (decoding and encoding) and morphology content to Tier 2 and 3 students in grades 6-12; 4th-5th grade Tier 1 small groups (and morphology whole class)
• Be eligible for Level II and to apply for Brainspring’s nationally recognized certification program
• Be eligible to purchase Graduate Credits from select universities. Learn more here.
A Brainspring Instructor provides onsite professional development in your school or district. The Instructor works directly with teachers in a group setting to facilitate hands-on instruction, so each teacher has the opportunity to learn to utilize and implement the program correctly.
Course Hours: 30
Minimum Participants: 15
Contact us to set up a private course for your school/district or to discuss your state's requirements for dyslexia and other literacy initiatives.
Structures® Level I - In-Person Course Materials
- Digital Structures® Curriculum Guide
- Digital Structures® Course Manual
- Structures® Classroom Card Pack
- Structures® Lesson Strategy Cards
- Structures® Syllabication Cards
- 1 Pound Magic Sand®
- 1 Sand Tray with Sand Tray Bag
- 1 Answer Board, Marker, and Eraser
- 1 Box of Red Crayons
- 1 Red Word Screen